My name is Beatriz, but everyone calls me Bia. I am originally from Brazil and moved to the United States at the age of 18 to pursue my dreams of higher education and career success. While I studied Business in college, I quickly discovered a passion for marketing, social media, and advertising, and have been actively pursuing opportunities to develop my skills and expertise in these areas.
Over the past few years, I have gained valuable experience working in customer success, where I have honed my ability to communicate effectively with clients and understand their needs and challenges. My ultimate goal is to leverage my business acumen, strategic thinking skills, and creative talents to help companies develop and execute successful marketing campaigns that drive results and deliver value to customers.
I am passionate about the beauty and fashion industry, so most of my blog posts will be related to this topic. I am always keeping myself up to date on this industry due to its innovative way of marketing products that might have so many competitors in the same category.